Flower child portraits


  1. In your third photograph, you do a nice job of of playing around with light, and using the shadow to create interesting patterns across your face. It actually looks as though there is a star on your face. That idea pairs nicely with the fact that you are looking toward the sky - it's as if you are looking at the stars. While your face seems very stable within the composition, your hair looks as though it is in motion, falling down your head and onto the wood, as if you had just laid down. The diagonal direction that you are aligned within the composition I think works really well here. It feels like this image is less posed and more of a moment that was just captured on camera - like a candid. The one thing you could improve in this photograph to make it stronger would be to really push the idea of light and shadows and take it a step further. What could you do to create really interesting shadows across your face/body? How could you use shadow to create interesting imagery that perhaps tells a story?

  2. I really enjoy the first photo as it captures a sort of hippie vibe. I think the outstretched arms with a colorful background and hair is very well put together. I think the focus being on your hands is a nice addition as well, as it provides a nice view of the depth of the image, while the less sharp background works well with the photo. I think the photo that could use the most work is the second photo. I like the concept of it but the picture is a touch blurry. It is close but just not quite ideal.

  3. Mia I want your eyes! I love the very wholesome, spiritual, holistic, natural vibe in all of your photos. I think that the first picture and the the plant pictures are my favorites. I love that you didn't focus on your face and made the crystals and your hands very sharp and in focus, definitely creates a very cool message and it made me think like what all those crystals mean and how each crystal had a different function and meaning. I also really liked the plant picture because you look like a plant mother and one with plants, which is who you are so that was executed very well. I also love the warmth of the picture that the sun brings in. I love the idea the of the yoga pose one, but I don't think it fits the theme of the other pictures.l

  4. Overall I think your work shows a very nice consideration of color. I love the contrast in the first photo. Your eyes and face seem illuminated and bright while there is a nice contrast with the darker tones around you. I love the reflections on your hair and face. I fell like this photo is most representative of who you are, because you are a very bright and high energy person and it shows in this photo. The last photo is another favorite of mine but maybe this is one you can try to reshoot. I would love to see you capture a little more of the pendulum, because at first glance I missed it. I do love the blurred motion around your head. Very nice work!

  5. Mia these are amazing!!!!!!! the first image looks straight out of a magazine and so peaceful ! I think the first image speaks highly on your personality when it comes to like nature and finding like an inner peace. I love the orientation of your and spacing between the plant and your face, creating that shadow on your face and hair that almost look like stars. the colors in that image are so pleasing and really successful for this project. The yoga position one could maybe be re-shot because its on the road to something great. I love the colors, the angle and how you played with shadows, maybe taking more photos of different positions!

  6. The first image is amazing. Great use of natural light, really great tones there. I think you did a great job in terms of getting a lot out of a little. I think your use of color in all these was great as well. The one image I'd say deserves a reshoot is the last one. I see what you were going for, and it's a great idea, but your face being blurry holds the image back for me. I know it's a motion blur problem and not so much a focus problem because you used a slower shutter speed. My only advice would be to use a slightly faster shutter speed, swing the pendulum a bit faster to compensate, and have someone else hold it if at all possible.


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