Quarantine: A gift rather than a burden

My lifestyle has changed in a few ways due to COVID-19 pandemic and the quarantine that has been put into place because of it. I am trying to make quarantine a positive rather than a negative in my life by using the time of quarantine as a gift. By gift I mean working on all the things I “wished for more time for”: yoga, being creative, reading, writing, calling my family, relaxing etc. Talk about getting your wish granted.
 Firstly, I cannot teach yoga anymore in a group setting, so I have started filming more videos, practicing in my own little studio I created in my apartment, as well as start online group sessions for everyone quarantining at home. As you can see Ginger has also taken up her own yogi ways. AKA taking over my mat and wanting attention and pets rather than letting me do my thing.
  The second way that my lifestyle has changed due to quarantine is that I am trying to embrace my inner couch potato. I am usually a person that likes to be out and about. Almost in a neurotic way where I feel impatient and anxious with a lot of built up energy. I feel like if I don’t leave and do something, I am not living life to the fullest. Embracing my inner couch potato has taught me to relax in new ways and "live life to the fullest" without external gratification and entertainment.
Lastly, I have grown an even greater appreciation for facetime. I have always been grateful for it as a tool to connect with my friends and family but also give me the freedom to move away without losing that connection. Now more than ever it is relieving to know that we can still talk face to face and have time together without me needing to go home to Pennsylvania to see them, risking giving them the virus. I feel safer not seeing them in person. Quarantine has also given me time to make more of those calls that I would not done as often in the past.


  1. Mia, I really love your take on the ways you are trying to stay positive and adapt during this time. I thought the photo of your cat was interesting, because it almost looks like she is adapting to this new situation as well and joining in. To me, the movement in the second photo captures how it is hard for you to be a couch potato. It feels like you were having a hard time staying in one place because you have too much energy. The way your figure is just barley there in the photo shows that it is not really the place you want to be, but your smile shows you are trying to make the best of it. I can relate to this feeling because I too love to be out and about. Nice job capturing what is going on during your days in quarantine.

  2. I really like your idea of embracing your "inner couch potato". On social media, there is a lot of pressure put on people to be productive and innovative right now in the midst of COVID-19. While I agree that now is a great time to be productive for some, others definitely should use this time to rest. It's great that you're able to realize that for yourself. I think that looking at relaxing as being a component of, "living life to the fullest" is a great perception of life because rest is so essential. In order to do great, exciting things in life, you also need to allow yourself some time to rest. Rest allows you to be more present in the moment and enjoy the exciting parts of life so much more. I think that this period of rest that you are currently having is going to be great for you and allow you to come out of quarantining feeling refreshed and ready to take on life.


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